The cost of a tower varies exponentially with the height of the tower.
That is- when the tower height is doubled, the cost of the tower is much more than 2 times. .
AKME GLOBAL provides services of LOS survey to determine your exact requirement of tower height.
Expenditure in survey is normally more than compensated by the tower height saved.
In highly populated cities, the real estate is at a very high premium. The space available may be able to take a narrow base tower only.
If high rise buildings exist adjacent to tower installation site, then foundation design will need special considerations.
If it is desired that the tower be installed on roof top, then complete details of building structure, i.e.
spacing of columns, beam sizes, reinforcements, slab details height of each floor, etc.
are required to ascertain, whether building is structurally suitable to take the load of the tower & the load generated due to wind on tower.
If tower is to be installed on ground, then information about the soil i.e. soil condition, water table height etc will be required.
You may decide to buy a triangular tower or a square tower.
You may need a circular or octagonal platform at top.
If your antenna system has space diversity requirement, then that must be specified.
The tower is normally constructed from angles or pipes & plates with bolted construction.
If welded or any other type of construction is required, then that should be specified.
Following facilities are optional, unless specifically asked by the buyer
For typical specifications of above, visit the link--
If you give us the location of the proposed tower, we will be able to provide the maximum likely wind speed in that area from the published data.
Following information is required
The performance of a communication antenna in wind conditions depends on the twist and sway of the antenna, directivity of the antenna, and the spare capacity of signal strength in the system design. Typically a value of 1 degree is acceptable. If lesser value is desired, then that should be specified.
Kindly specify